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Please read all the terms and conditions set out in this Website, the FAQs and these Disclaimers carefully prior to undertaking the order and/or purchase of any vehicle from the Website. Enjoy your journey with us. By accessing and/or using the Website and/or making any order and/or purchase of a vehicle and/or product through the Website, you hereby confirm that you understand and accept all the terms and conditions set out in this Website, the FAQs and these Disclaimers.

General: Wherever the context so requires, the term “You” shall mean any natural or legal person who is using the Website and the term “The Company” shall mean Volvo Car Australia Sdn Bhd (Company Registration No. 482430-K).

Service Provider: Wherever the context so requires, the term Service Provider shall mean your selected Authorised Volvo Dealer that you would visit to finalise your order and sign the vehicle sales agreement between you and the Company.

Vehicle: Only the models listed on this Website can be ordered and purchased online but subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Website, the FAQs and these Disclaimers.

Selection of Colours, Upholstery etc: If available on the Website, you are free to select the vehicle with the preferred specifications which are available for selection for the vehicle you wish to purchase. The representation of all the colours, images and pictorial depictions of any part, accessory and/or specifications, including the colour thereof (whether for the exterior or interior of the vehicle) which are available for selection for the vehicle you wish to purchase may vary between as seen on the Website and the actual part, accessory and/or specification and the variation can occur due to, including but not limited to the device you use to log into the Website and/or the screen on your device. As such, all the colours, images and/or pictorial depictions of any part, accessory and/or specification (whether for the exterior or interior) of the vehicle you wish to purchase on the Website may not be an exact representation of the actual colours, images and/or pictorial depictions thereof. It is best to view the vehicle at an Authorised Volvo Dealer. Other than the above, as the model year progresses, changes may occur in some of the specification, features, options and/or pricing of the parts, accessories and/or specifications available to you in the Website for your selection. The Company, any company in its group and/or the companies which are the manufacturer of such parts, accessories and/or specifications reserve the right to make such changes by notice to you. Options may vary by region.

Prices: The prices listed in the Website are the Vehicle Selling Prices and the Hassle Free Prices for the vehicle. The final driveaway price and terms will be determined and agreed by you and the Company and inputted into the Vehicle Sales Order at your Service Provider based on your preferred financing options and based on any additional packages, option or accessories that you may decide to opt in. 

Collection of Loan Data: While this Website may collect from you information relating to your financial needs and/or any potential loan or financing which you may obtain for the purchase of your vehicle, neither the Company and/or any company in its group is in the business of offering loan or financing you are responsible for procuring your own loan and financing for this purchase. If you opt to provide the information, you agree that the Company may share the information with financiers which may assist in your financial needs. We will not be liable for any losses caused (regardless of the form of action) arising directly or indirectly in connection with the collection of loan data.

Amendments: The Company may revise these Disclaimers from time to time. Every time you wish to use the Website, please check these Disclaimers to ensure that you understand the latest disclaimers that apply.

Submission of online order: The placement of an online order does not constitute a binding sale agreement and is subject to the finalised sales agreements made between you and the Company.  

Privacy Notice: Your personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy notice at